Category Lists





Ultrasonic ranging with Rust on Raspberry Pi Pico
This article describes how to connect the ultrasonic ranging module HC-SR04 to a Raspberry Pi Pico and control them with the Rust language to measure distances to objects.
Collection of embedded Rust implementation examples – Electronics with Raspberry Pi Pico
This article is a collection of tips for embedding the Rust language into a Raspberry Pi Pico .You can find the corresponding code notation by what you want to achieve with each electronic part. We will add to it from time to time, so it might be a good idea if you come back to look at it often.
How to switch Rust versions
Find out which version of Rust is currently in use and how to install and use different versions of Rust. This article will help you to match Rust versions with your teammates or authors of technical books, and to switch between Rust versions so that your tools work properly.


What is an error ellipse? How to calculate and plot using Python.
The error ellipse (probability ellipse) is an ellipse illustrating the variance of a two-dimensional normal distribution. From the variance-covariance matrix of the normal distribution, the formula for the ellipse can be calculated to cover any range. This article explains how to calculate the ellipse using Python drawing in Matplotlib as an example.

Machine Learining & AI

Caluculating 95% confidence interval of ROC-AUC.
Calculating the 95% confidence interval for the AUC of the ROC curve allows one to infer the range of values that the AUC would take from the results of data obtained 'by chance'. Confidence intervals are therefore always presented in scientific papers. This article describes how to find the 95% confidence interval of the ROC-AUC and shows how the calculation can be implemented by the Python language.

Electricity & Electronic work

Ultrasonic ranging with Rust on Raspberry Pi Pico
This article describes how to connect the ultrasonic ranging module HC-SR04 to a Raspberry Pi Pico and control them with the Rust language to measure distances to objects.
Collection of embedded Rust implementation examples – Electronics with Raspberry Pi Pico
This article is a collection of tips for embedding the Rust language into a Raspberry Pi Pico .You can find the corresponding code notation by what you want to achieve with each electronic part. We will add to it from time to time, so it might be a good idea if you come back to look at it often.
Formulae and proofs of the Δ-Y (delta-star) conversion
Both delta and star (Y) circuits are circuits with three resistors connected. Using the Δ-Y (delta-star) conversion formula, you can calculate the combination of resistor values that make these circuits equivalent. Read this article to understand the principle of the Delta-Y conversion formula and its proof.


Serialised Article

Complete list of methods for solving differential equations


Probability & Statistics

概要 この記事では、分散共分散行列が対角行列となるように変数変換を行う方法、もしくは分散の方向が独立となるような軸の見つけ方について解説し、その導出を行う。 これは、主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis; P...
Caluculating 95% confidence interval of ROC-AUC.
Calculating the 95% confidence interval for the AUC of the ROC curve allows one to infer the range of values that the AUC would take from the results of data obtained 'by chance'. Confidence intervals are therefore always presented in scientific papers. This article describes how to find the 95% confidence interval of the ROC-AUC and shows how the calculation can be implemented by the Python language.


Formulae and proofs of the Δ-Y (delta-star) conversion
Both delta and star (Y) circuits are circuits with three resistors connected. Using the Δ-Y (delta-star) conversion formula, you can calculate the combination of resistor values that make these circuits equivalent. Read this article to understand the principle of the Delta-Y conversion formula and its proof.